Saturday, September 4, 2010

Hello Again...

Hello My name is Shanan, it has been 2 months since my last blog entry (YIKES!!). I am a horrible blogger and I am very sorry.

whew, now that I got that off my chest I will update everyone on whats been going on at my beautiful little piece of paradise~

We spent a week out at my parents lake cabin. Had SO much fun and the week started out with a BANG!! Literally :P Handsome Hubby was taking all of the Pack out on the wet jets and he decided to get the second one going, it wouldn't start so he figured he would jumpstart it ( he and my dad had done this many times b4 without problems). Well, he didn't realize that there was a leak somewhere and that the gas tank had actually leaked every drop of its contents into the engine compartment, where the battery is located. All 19 gallons of gas was sitting in there. Beans had grabbed the cables for him and handed them to him, they hooked up the first cable and as HH was hooking up the second cable Beans took a step back. Well, it sparked and flames shot up out of the wet jet and HH's hair lit on fire. Beans very calmly told him, "Dad, your hair is on fire." he dove into the water and Beans started splashing water on the wet jet to try to get the fire out. It kept restarting, so she yelled for a fire extinguisher and Little Brother jumped into the pantoon (which was sitting by the dock) and grabbed the extinguisher out of there. (hmm, I didn't even know they HAD an extinguisher in there). He handed it to Beans, she handed it off to HH and he put the fire out. Well, HH staggered up onto the shore and started shivering and shaking. My uncle, who just happens to be an EMT, was staying at the cabins with us and he advised HH that he needed to get to the hospital. Well of course HH denied it, said he was alright, and that he didn't need to go in. he whole time he was putting up an argument we were moving him towards the van, we finally convinved him we should have them check his eyes and lungs to be on the safe side and got him loaded up in the van, wrapped in Little Brother's quilt. So thankful we convinced him!! We got about 3 miles down the road and he started shaking really bad and stuttering. He was starting to feel the pain and we needed to get him somewhere where they could get it under control for him! All said and done we found he had 1st and 2nd degree burns over his face, shoulder and neck. They cleaned him up, drugged him up and sent him home. I was praying that he wouldn't have any pain the next day (pretty impossible with 2nd degree burns I had heard) and guess what?? He woke up the next morning with absolutely NO PAIN!! He took the day off of work, shaved his head bald and spent the day relaxing :) He is still sensitive to sunlight on his face, he has decided he likes the shaved head, and I think all of the Pack now has a healthy fear of fire. We ended up having a wonderful rest of the week at the cabin with my uncle and his 3 wonderfully amazing kids.

Me and my Pack have been kept very busy canning and freezing. pickles, salsa and zuchinni from the garden :) I have also started getting my Christmas sewing in order! I have decided to make jammies for all the Pack and all of my nieces and nephews! I will post pics as I get them done.

School starts on Tuesday for us and I am so not ready for it!! I am not ready to say goodbye to summer, we have enjoyed this summer so much! So many days swimming at the river, spending weekends at the cabin, taking naps on the deck, ice cream runs... BUT I am looking forward to picking apples at the orchard, making apple butter and apple crisp and apple pie! Getting to spend a weekend with HH for our anniversary! (15 yrs! can you imagine!?!?) The crunch of leaves underfoot. The smell of autumn! Deer hunting with HH, hoping to get a doe permit this yr, last year I had to sit and watch 2 doe walk within 5 feet of my stand! The smell of the woodstove burning.... ok, there are alot of things I love about autumn too, the only bad thing about autumn is that it means winter is right around the corner :P

Well, thats about all I have time for today! I had better get back to canning pickles!

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