Yeah! We are back on the road with Dennis, we love being together, even if it is a hotel room! So far Red Wing is wet, slushy and overcast! We are hopinh for some sunny weather sometime this week, from what we've been able to see it is very beautiful here. There are a lot of little shops to see, and I plan on seeing a lot of them today. We have spent the morning at Caribou Coffee, the kids are doing school and I am online. What more could a girl ask for, the nummy smells of a coffee shop, the kids sitting at little tables getting school finished up and me on my DELL. What a life!
We are all in one hotel room for now... but at least there is a little kitchenette! Tramp is all settled in, and the kids are doing great with school and looking forward to being finished for the year! I am so thankful for kids who are versatile! As long as they have a bed to sleep in and as long as we are all together they don't seem to complain.
I'm still trying to figure out if I should cancel cable and internet at the house, and garbage service... hmmm, I shall have to see I guess. It would save us quite a bit of money, and come May we will be out of state again, we will be canceling it all at that time anyway, but for now?...
I love being on the road again, even if it is only 200 miles from home! We are excited for the upcoming summer, and another 6-9 months on the road!
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