Wednesday, December 8, 2010

To Do List

Everyone has a to do list this time of year. All the things we MUST get done. And we have DEADLINES!!! And only a certain amount of time to get it all done :P
I am one very blessed mom, I have 5 AMAZING helpers! They are so great about stepping in and helping me get everything done before it needs to :)
Little Brother is wonderful at making sure the woodstove keeps on keeping us warm all day long. Beans is great with grabbing a recipe card and digging into baking the goodies on our list. Blue Eyes keeps the laundry chugging away and Mouth makes sure the chores get done everyday :) Baby Sister is great about giving me a hug and she loves helping me get the hand projects done for the Christmas gifts getting made for all the grandmas this year.

My List:

*Finish all gifts for the Grandmothers
*make bags for neices and nephews and the BP
*finish Beans' Bday gift!! (YIKES! Only 6 days to get that done!)
*bake: cherry choco star cookies
choc covered cracker thingys
kiss buttons
lemon meltaways
and about 10 other cookies, goodies, candies to make

*sew the Packs' Christmas gifts
*plan the menu and cook/bake for the Youth Christmas Party (saturday!!)
*drill the 2 youngest of the Pack on their program lines
*plan the menu for Christmas Dinner
*take the Packs 2010 portraits (this week!)
*deep clean the bathrooom, kitchen and porch b4 Saturday
*clean my bedroom and go thru my clothes
*plan the menu and bake/cook for D's work party
*Christmas Cards.... sorry people, scratching that one off my list this year :P maybe every other year will suffice?
*clean oven (still smokes from Saturdays bubbling carmel mess)
*Clean bathrooms at church b4 Sunday (!!! Yikes!!!! almost forgot about that one!)

And thats this weeks list and its already Wednesday.... better go. I have A LOT to do!!!

What does your to-do list look like at this time of the year??

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