~Hey Sexy Man! Whats up?
* umm, I think I need to go to the Drs.
~What did you do now?!?!
* well, I sliced my finger on some sheet metal. want to meet me in town?
~ sure, I'll be right there....
so I call Beans, tell her that I am running to the big town to meet HH at the Drs office and see what he did to his finger. "yep, no problem mom". so off I go.
I meet HH in town, the have to give him a tetanus shot, and I find out he is a big baby about needles. like, seriously a big baby. I never knew this fact. and I had to giggle. I have seen 3 of my five children have stitches countless amounts of times and they never shed a tear. never flinched. just sucked it up. Here HH is sitting looking at me saying, "I really really hate needles. especially big needles." as he tells me this the nurse sticks him with the tetanus shot and he doesn't even flinch. "all done!" she says. and instructs him to go to the other room where they will put in the stitches.
When we get to the 'procedure room' (kinda a fancy name don't ya think?), they tell him to sit on the table and the Dr comes in and says, " first we will have to numb the area". its a good thing the Dr was a woman, cuz if it had been a man I'm sure HH would have had some choice words for him ;) the Dr looks at him and says, "tell us if you feel light headed. its always the big guys that faint." LOL!!! I burst out laughing and reminded him that our children, our little baby girls all had stitches when they were toddlers. and they didn't even flinch. he just shrugged and reminded me that he DID NOT LIKE NEEDLES! :) 5 stitches later he's bandaged up and sent on his way.
we get home and Beans calls me. She tells me Baby Sister is on her way home with Little Brother and that "she's probably gonna whine and carry on cuz she thinks she hurt her foot, she's just being a drama queen, mom".
Baby Sister gets home and I notice that she is limping but she doesn't say anything to me about it so I just ignore it. I had told the Pack that I would bring them to the HS baseball game in the little town over yonder at 7. So off we go.
I notice that Baby Sister was crawling thru the schoolroom, but lets face it, she IS a drama queen... so she limps out to the van and climbs in (big sisters gave her a shove cuz she wasn't moving fast enough).
We get to the ball field and I take a phone call.
Beans comes to find me cuz Baby Sister is sitting in the bleachers. crying. I go check on her ankle. its HUGE! and she can't put any weight on it.
I take Baby Sister to the big town to visit the ER.
fun fun.
of course she can't walk into the ER,
so I give her a piggy back ride.
and she's crying.
and choking me
after some pain meds and xrays they decide that they cannot conclusively tell me that it is for sure broken. but they can't tell me its not broken either.
something about growth plates?
so they splint her leg, fit her with crutches
and send us on our way with instructions for followup with her primary Dr on Friday.
so I called Beans and Mouth and Blue Eyes and laid it on real thick, because you see, I found out that they had not only told her that she was "being a drama queen" but they also were partly the cause of the whole mishap. you see they were "launching" her on a friends trampoline. they also made her walk across town, (about 3/4 of a mile) crying, and limping, home.
It has been a very long night.
I have another MONSTER headache.
and I have a little girl laying on the couch crying
because her foot hurts.
and my head hurts ~ oh, i already mentioned that. sorry.